Mtelo Ministries serving in Cameroon in 2019

Mtelo Ministries serving in Cameroon in 2019

Occasionally, Mtelo Ministries Board Members will serve or work with other Mission Agencies. In January of 2019 РApril 2019, John and Marilyn Roughley worked in co-operation with SIL in Yaound̩ Cameroon.

John will serve as the CAM (Construction and Maintenance) Shop Manager, working with the CAM Shop employees. He and his men are in charge of maintaining all the missionary compounds, individual missionary housing as well as all the SIL offices.  This is in John’s wheelhouse and he really enjoys serving God and the missionaries in this capacity.  John has a wonderful relationship with his men and he leads a Bible Study with them every Monday morning before they begin work. I will be helping out at the Annex Guest House, assessing repairs that need to be done to spruce the place up and welcoming guests, mostly missionaries, and serving them as needed. I enjoy serving them, praying with them, getting to know them and listening to  their stories of their challenges and joys.  God has given me the opportunity  to teach English to some of the French speaking Cameroonian SIL employees.  I always enjoy this and I am always challenged and blessed by the students.  It is my privilege to work in a neighborhood Bible Club this year run by a godly Cameroonian woman with the assistance of two missionaries. Children are my heartbeat and loving them and telling them about the Lord is one of my greatest joys. 

Please pray that God will provide us with the abilities needed for our ministry and that we will give  all the praise and glory to God! It is His work, not ours, we are just His vessel. Please pray Ephesians 4: 1-3 with us.  Paul writes “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord , entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Serving Christ with you,

John and Marilyn

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