FATEB’S Newsletter-August 2019 from Nupanga/President of the Seminary

FATEB’S Newsletter-August 2019 from Nupanga/President of the Seminary

Dear brothers and sisters,

God has been faithful to us according to His promise. In the Great Commission Jesus said to His disciples:“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

In spite of many challenges that we were facing, we are very thankful to the Lord because under His guidance we came to the end of the academic year 2018-2019 without any great difficulties.

We are also very thankful to all of you who are supporting FATEB in different ways. We appreciate your contributions,and we would like to assure you that you are making a big impactfor the advancement of the Kingdom of God in Francophone Africa.

The closing ceremonies on both the campus in Yaoundé, Cameroon and the campus in Bangui, Central African Republic took place at the end of July. In both places hundreds of people gathered to celebrate those who completed their training at FATEB. We are happy because FATEB is sending back to the churches and to other ministries 26 men and women who graduated this year: 1 in the Ph.D. program, 7 with Masters degrees in Theology, 5 with Masters degrees in Christian Leadership and Management, 13 with Bachelor of Theology degrees, 4 with Diplomas from the Women’s School, and 2 with Certificates in pastoral studies. They are returning to churches from a variety of Protestant denominations.

Closing Ceremonies 2018 – 2019

We have been blessed to see the Women’s School making progress in practical training. The instruction these ladies received in sewing enabled many to excel. One of the women made academic garb for her husband who graduated in Bachelors program.

Sewing Graduation gown for husband’s graduation

The 2018-2019 school year was also a blessing because the financial support from some of you made possible the installation of solar energy in the academic building with its library and faculty offices and in the administration building as well. This may not sound very important to people living in other countries, but in our context where electricity is turned off for hours every day, this is an enormous relief from anxieties and pressure.

Solar panels now power the Library Building

Our library is also growing. We received about 1,800 academic books as gift from a New Testament professor who recently passed away. We are thankful to his family for this precious gift to both faculty members and students.

We also thank God for pastor Andre Fegouto, FATEB’s new Director of Administration, and for Marie Angele Kosseke, Chief Financial Officer, who joined the team last year. Their contributions are greatly improving the management of FATEB.

We continue to work on our Strategic Plan in partnership with the Vital Sustainability Initiative project. We hope that by the end of September 2019, the plan will be completed. We look forward to your continued partnership in implementing this Strategic Plan.

Churches in Bangui are supporting FATEB. During the 2018-2019school year our students and staff went to various churches to speak about FATEB. We are grateful for their special offerings to help support FATEB financially.

The political situation in the country is improving, although very slowly. Government and rebel groups signed a peace agreement seven months ago. A recent report from United Nations representatives in the country said that there has bee na decrease in the violation of human rights since the signature of the agreement.

Our pre-school, primary and secondary schools continue to attract people from the city. We lack the space needed to enroll all those who wish to take advantage of these opportunities for the basic education that is so important.

There is a continuing need to assist studentsto pay for their school expenses. For many of them, the churches that send them are not able to cover the cost of their training. With your help, part of their school fees and part of housing for students who are living on campus being underwritten. We thank you on their behalf.

On August 4th, our only van was involved in an accident. The driver was injured, but he is recovering well. However, the accident has left FATEB without any means of transportation apart from public vehicles. We need another van to help us carry out our work of moving staff, students, visitors, and handling health emergencies here in the capital city.

Prayer requests for the following:-

-Peace, reconciliation and healing in both countries -CAR and Cameroon.

-Completion and launching of the Strategic Plan in October 2019.

-Provision for operational costs and scholarship assistance.

-Preparations for the 2019-2020academic year.

-The urgent need of a new van.

We appreciate your prayers. To contribute financially to FATEB or one of its projects, support can be given through Mtelo Ministries online at www.mteloministries.org or by check mailed to Mtelo Ministries, c/o Berg and Associates, 302 W. 5th Street Suite 210 San Pedro, CA 90731.

For more information about FATEB please visit our website www.fateb.net.

May the Lord bless you.

Nupanga W.


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